8.Sınıf ingilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

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  • 8.Sınıf ingilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19
    English WorkBook Unıt 2

    Sayfa 12
    Activity 1
    I'm an auditory learner. I learn best by hearing. At school, I listen to my teacher's carefully and follow the tone of theirm voice.I'm good at speaking and listening activitiees. I love grup discussions, pair work and story tellng. At home, I usually study in my room. turkeyarena.net. Because I prefer reading texts aloud and using a CD player to listen to the topics

    I'm kinesthetic learner. I learn best by touching and moving. My best subject is Physical Education. Im full energy so I can't sit and concentrate long hours .

    Sayfa 13
    Activity 2
    (İsteyen kendisine göre değiştirebilir bu cevapları)
    1-I'm an auditory learner
    2-I learn best by hearing
    3-My best scholl subject is mathematics
    4-I like reading texts.
    5-at home, ı usually study in my room because ı prefer reading texts aloud.
    6-ı study for long hours
    7-no ı don't
    8-yes ı'm study with music

    Activity 3
    I'm an auditory learner. I learn best by hearing. At school, I listen to my teacher's carefully and follow the tone of theirm voice.I'm good at speaking and listening activitiees.I love grup discussions, pair work and story tellng. At home, I usually study in my room. Because I prefer reading texts aloud and using a CD player to listen to the topics.

    Sayfa 14
    Activity 4

    Sayfa 15
    Activity 7
    Sayfa 14
    auditory learners
    = 1 = 4 = 6
    visual learners
    = 2 = 3 = 7
    kinaesthetic learners
    = 5 = 8 = 9

    Sayfa 17-18-19
    1)this skirt is very short I can't wear it.
    Cevap: this skirt is too short I can't wear it
    2)my face is clean.I can apply this cream.
    Cevap: my face is clean enought I can apply this cream
    3)the room is very hot. I ll the windows.
    Cevap: the room is too hot I'll open all the windows.
    4)I use natural body care products they are cheap.
    Cevap: the natural body care products are cheap anough to use them.
    5)the sop is very salty I cant dirink it.
    Cevap: the soup is too salty. I cant drink it.

    Sayfa 17 Pasifik yayınları
    23.Etkinlikte bütün 6 soruyada biz kısaca yes dedek geçtik
    during class yazıp altına
    -write all homework in one place
    -if you don't understand ask your teacher
    -if you daydream try to shop it ..
    öğretmen bize böyle yaptırdı..
    sonra after class yazıp altına
    -read your homework again and think about the materials for it.
    -if you need help, call your friend
    -study at year ideal study place
    -take study breaks
    -collect the materials before you begin

    Sayfa 18 Pasifik yayınları
    27.Etkinlilte hepsine tick atılacak
    28.Etkinlikte parça okunduktan sonra o sorunun cevabı after class olacak
    a) cevabı = you should bring yor notetaking materials.
    b) cevabı = you should write quickly and cleary.
    a good dictionary
    snews words
    not much TV. concert-play-library
    31.Etkinlik biz yapmadık

    Sayfa 19 Pasifik yayınları
    1.read the subject and think about it carefully
    2.made research about the subject. turkeyarena.net
    3.use books,dictionaries the ınternet and talk to your family rember
    4.ure a clear information aboutthe subject
    5.prepare the postor abpt your works.

    Sayfa 20 Pasifik yayınları
    before, I begin to write. I need a map at Japon books brochures,pictures and notes about japon. if it is passible. I talk to japozese people ..
    listen to the teacher cerafully
    take notes
    repeat more
    use study skills, to learn better

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